Monday, October 27, 2008

Aspens Tooth

So Aspen lost her first tooth yesterday, while we were sitting on the stand,in church, waiting to talk. She was so proud of herself. Isn't she cute? Our sweet princess before the tooth loss. Our toothless princess.

Party Time

So Saturday we had a couples Halloween Party, which was a blast. We played games and ate until we were stuffed (what's new?) Here's the awesome costumes that everyone wore. Sorry some of the pictures turned out kind of blurry. Natalie and Jake (AKA Dead Snow princess? and uni bomber)
Cindy (aka deer hunter extremist)

Leilani, Sam, and Krista (aka polyg wife #2, Sam Jeffs, wife #1, wife #3 was missing, she was in labor at the time of the party.

Stacia and Taylee (aka Witch queen and princess)

Brent and Shanette (King and queen)

Matt and Sharina, 50's girl and pirate

Jordan and Keri, Roughed up tight end, and knocked up cheerleader girlfriend. These guys won best costume.

Jason and Nicole as Nicole and Jason

Thanks everyone who came, you all looked awesome! We have some great friends!

Halloween Carnival

Cadence, Brylee and Aspen decided to dress up as witches for the Halloween Carnival on friday. Cadence, I guess, is the good witch gone bad. Aren't they cute?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My dad, Josh, and Dave look like they are having a blast, especially Josh.
What a Happy Family, sorry the picture turned out sideways.

Isn't she a doll, her grandma Stacy made this dress. She,s amazing. We love you Taylee!

Taylees Blessing

So last week Stacia blessed her new baby Taylee Mae Leugers. We had the blessing dinner at my house, and low and behold half of us ended up getting food poisoning. That was fun! Brent, Kyler, and Brylee all got it. Despite that we had fun getting together and doing what we do best, eating and laughing!
Okay so I'm just starting out and I don't know much about blogging. So bare with me until I get this down. My family and friends tell me that I need to start blogging so here it goes. Our family consists of Brent, the head honcho,Shanette, Kyler, 8, Brylee and Aspen, 5, Cadence, 3. Needless to say We never have a dull moment at our house.